MMD自動トレースの結果を公開・配布する場合は、必ずライセンスのご確認をお願い致します。ライセンスを記載いただけたらとても有難いです。Unityの場合も同様です。 MMD自動トレースv2 ライセンス・クレジット. Playlist SectionClick HERE for the FULL VRCHAT Playlist: C. This branch is 6 commits behind mmd-for-unity-proj:master. Pull request Compare Latest commit.
Be more efficient in HDRP to make mmd!
Download and import the unitypackage to you project from the release tab.
After import the package, the “MMDExtensions” menu will appear.
1.2.0 Update:
Mmd Unity Chan
New inspector window build with UIWidgets
For now, only Material Lib
works, in this section, you can apply material to gameobject by click on list
1.1.3 Update:
Now you can only select the materials without select specific pmx file, but you can still specify the pmx file if you want
Upgrade Blender Materials
For the fbx model that export from blender mmdtools or Cats, you need to extract the material just like what we just do, because of the different of material name, we don’t merge the function together, so agin, you need to select both pmx file and materials just extracted and click Upgrade Blender Materials
1.1.3 Update:
Now you can only select the materials without select specific pmx file, but you can still specify the pmx file if you want
Mmd Unity Shader
1.1.0 Update:
Now you can find the menu item in both title bar and right click context menu.
MMD Extensions for material
Upgrade MMD4 Material (HDRP)
How To Install Mmd Tools
For the model converted by MMD4Mecanim, you can use Upgrade MMD4 Material (HDRP)
to convert material that create by MMD4Mecanim. But first, you need to delete all the shader that contains in the MMD4Mecanim package, you can find them in Assets/MMD4Mecanim/Shaders
To use this function, you’ll need to extract all the materials from the fbx inspector by click the Extract Materials
Then you need to select both pmx file and materials just extracted and click Upgrade MMD4 Material (HDRP)
Upgrade ABC Model Material
For the abc model exported from MMD Bridge, you need to select both you abc model in the hierarchy and the pmx you use in MMD Bridge, then click Upgrade ABC Model Material
, it will ask you to save the new materials where you can modify them later.
Create Materials From Textures
This use to create materials from the textures you selected, new materials will be save in the same folder level but the folder will be named as Materials
MMD Extensions for VMD file
There are two method in the VMD menu that use for create camera animation and morph animation
Create Camera Animation
For create a camera animation clip, you need to right click on a vmd file that used for camera and click Create Camera Animation
, it will create a new clip in the same place.
Mmd Unity Models
Create Morph Animation
Mmd Unity
For create a morph animation clip, you need to select the game object in the hierarchy where a mesh renderer has the BlendShapes
property, then select the vmd file and click Create Morph Animation
, it will create a new clip in the same place.